25 Therapy Quotes: Why Therapy is Ultimate Self-Care

25 Therapy Quotes: how therapy is the ultimate in self-care

Below are 25 therapy quotes that give a snapshot of what therapy is like and some of the benefits you could gain from the process of self-growth in therapy.

Self-care is often thought of as taking good care yourself such as exercising, eating and sleeping well, practicing financial self-care and doing things you enjoy. However, I believe that engaging in therapy is the ultimate in self-care.

Aside from therapy helping alleviate anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions, it can help you better understand yourself. You discover what are the things that you truly want and need, and find out why certain things may be hard for you such as speaking up or setting boundaries. 

Therapy won’t just help you figure out the “why” to your struggles, but also how to better cope and manage with any stresses. Often, you’ll learn that you have more control over improving your life and feeling more joy than you thought possible. 

It can also help you improve your relationships, and give you the courage to take on challenges that you might turned down otherwise. Last but not least, therapy can empowers you to face and move on from any painful childhood experiences you’ve had. 

I am so grateful to the therapists I’ve had who have helped me not only cope with various family health challenges, but also address repressed trauma and ultimately blossom in my career as a psychotherapist.

Moving onto the 25 therapy quotes, I hope that you find them as inspiring and encouraging of the self-growth process as I have! 

The majority of therapy excerpts come from a few books written by mental health professionals whom I admire such as Bessel van der Kolk [The Body Keeps the Score], Lori Gottlieb [Maybe You Should Talk to Someone], Gabor Maté [When the Body Says No] and Jonice Webb [Running on Empty].

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross quote
Eleanor Roosevelt facing fears quote

Quotes to Inspire Authenticity

Many of us have been living a significant part of our lives fulfilling the expectations of our primary caregivers. Engaging In therapy helps us see how authentically we are living, and how we may wish to change to do what feels most satisfying and meaningful to us.

Due to family of origin limitations with respect to acknowledging our emotions as we were growing up, we may need to deny or numb difficult emotions. This, in turn, limits our ability to express our needs and fully feel positive emotions such as joy. Working with an empathetic therapist helps us learn to accept and manage all our emotions, and learn to stand up for ourselves .

Gabor Maté deepest truths quote
Fred Rogers feelings quote
David Kessler grief quote
Peter A Levine trauma and empathetic witness quote
Jonice Webb tolerance for feelings quote
Bessel van der Kolk agency and self worth quote

Quotes to  Encourage Greater Self-Awareness

We learn to see the world according to how we experienced it as a child. Unfortunately, some of those beliefs and expectations may be a bit distorted, and we may replay painful limiting stories again and again as adults.

Lori Gotlieb letting go of stories quote
Esther Perel adaptive storylines quote
Peter A. Levine re-enactments quote
Jonice Webb emotions matter quote
Cheryl Richardson master art of disappointing quote
Peter A. Levine trauma commonplace quote

Quotes to Illustrate the Power of Being Heard

It takes courage and a lot of work with a trusted therapist to face and acknowledge the painful experiences you may have had as a child. But I can tell you as both a psychotherapist and patient, the knowledge and self-awareness that you’ll develop will ultimately free you to take more control of your life and experience more joy.

Mariamme Williamson courage self discovery quote
Carl R. Rogers new perspective quote
Lori Gottlieb problems play out in therapy room quote
Gabor Mate tolerance for all emotions quote
Brene Brown numbing emotions quote
Lori Gottlieb taking responsibility guote

What other inspiring therapy quotes come to mind that you’d like to share? 

Would you like to embark on a journey of self-exploration? I’d be honored to escort you on your journey! Please reach out to schedule a free consultation.

25 Therapy Quotes: Why Therapy Is Ultimate Self-Care


Dorlee Michaeli, MBA, LCSW is a therapist who is passionate about helping high-achieving individuals heal and thrive. She specializes in addressing anxiety, low self-esteem, painful childhood experiences and navigating career/life transitions.

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